Agape Wellbeing Updates
Agape Wellbeing Agape Wellbeing
Promoting Positive Wellbeing For All

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Autumn/ Winter 2024 Newsletter


Welcome to our Autumn/ Winter newsletter! 

In this newsletter you can read about the Halloween fun we had in the Sensory Hub, new groups, new partnerships and updates on recent events we have held.


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Halloween Fun
Our Messy Playgroups had some amazing visitors for Halloween including baby Yoda, Elmo, princesses and Batman! Everyone had fun exploring the pumpkins and even watching them explode! In our Bookbug group we read the book "We're going on a pumpkin hunt" and sang some of our favourite songs.
Race Night
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone supported our race night by donating prizes or coming along on the night. We raised an amazing £2,800!
New Partnership
We have developed a new partnership with Health Booster Salt Cave and Halotherapy. We are excited to work with Niky and her team in the new year to enable families to use the salt caves to promote their physical and mental wellbeing.
Learn more about the salt cave
Art Classes
Every Tuesday afternoon we have art classes for parents of school aged children. These classes will help you learn new skills which you can take home to teach your own children.
We have lots of exciting events coming up in December including Christmas Parties in the Sensory Hub and a trip to the Pantomime. The Wellbeing Centre and Sensory Hub will be closed between 23rd December and 6th January. There will be no groups running through the Christmas holidays.
Beat the Street
A huge well done and thank you to everyone who took part in Beat the Street for Agape Wellbeing. We finished 6th overall and 4th for community/ workplace!
Art Exhibition
As part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival our expressive arts group exhibited their work in the centre. Friends, family and supports came along to see the artwork and celebrate the artists!
Yoga Classes
South Lanarkshire Third Sector Awards
We are honoured to receive the Partnership and Collaboration Award at the Vaslan Third Sector Awards for our work with the Village Centre. Well done to all the other nominees.
Postcode Lottery Grant
Earlier this year we gratefully received a grant of £20,000 from the Postcode Lottery. This money will be used to support the daily running of the centre and the development of new groups.
Mind Time
Weekly Programme


Brunch and Boardgames 11am-12:30pm

Bookbug 10:30 am- 12:00 pm*

Menopause Support Group 7pm - 8:30pm (monthly 9/12/24 then 13/01/25)


Messy Playgroup 10:30 am- 12:00pm* (must be booked)

Art Classes 1 pm- 3 pm


Sensory Fun Drop In 10:30am-12:00pm*

Men’s Group 11 am- 1 pm

Knit and Natter 1:30 pm- 3 pm


Messy Playgroup 10:30am- 12:00pm* (must be booked)

Craft Group 1:30 pm- 3 pm

Mindtime CBT workshop 6 pm-7:30 pm


Yoga 10 am- 11 am

Baby Massage 1 pm - 2 pm* (must be booked)

Fun Fitness 3:15 pm - 4:15pm

*Takes place in the sensory hub

Full timetable and booking
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Agape Wellbeing
22 Cornwall Way, East Kilbride, G74 1JR
Agape Wellbeing SC044968