Baby Massage

Baby massage is suitable for babies from around 6 weeks old to pre-crawling. Mums and/ or dads are welcome to come along and learn the techniques. Baby massage aids:

  • digestion,
  • good sleep,
  • attachment and more. 

Each week you will learn how to massage a different part of your baby’s body starting from their legs and feet and working up. 

There will also be a break where you can enjoy a cup or tea or coffee whilst getting to know the other parents. 

Baby massage can be great for dads, too.

This course costs £30 to attend payable by card or cash. This can be paid in full at the start of the course or £6 each week.

Our 5 week courses run from 1:00pm to 2:30pm every Friday afternoon.

Please complete our enrollment form below, to book for a place on the course.

Testimonials from families
Helped build my confidence and was good to interact with other mums and babies.
By coming to the class weekly it’s allowed me to connect with other mums and feel a sense of community. It’s also given me a skill for amazing one on one time with my child.
Really informative, friendly and relaxed atmosphere.