Baby Massage
Baby massage is suitable for babies from around 6 weeks old to pre-crawling. Mums and/ or dads are welcome to come along and learn the techniques. Baby massage aids:
- digestion,
- good sleep,
- attachment and more.
Each week you will learn how to massage a different part of your baby’s body starting from their legs and feet and working up.
There will also be a break where you can enjoy a cup or tea or coffee whilst getting to know the other parents.
Baby massage can be great for dads, too.
This course costs £30 to attend payable by card or cash. This can be paid in full at the start of the course or £6 each week.
Our 5 week courses run from 1:00pm to 2:30pm every Friday afternoon.
Please complete our enrollment form below, to book for a place on the course.